Oxygen Concentrator: What is it and how does it work?

Oxygen Concentrator: What is it and how does it work?

Posted by B&F Medical Supplies on Feb 22nd 2022

In the simplest terms, an oxygen concentrator can be understood as a device used in the medical industry to provide the user with extra oxygen. It is generally prescribed by the doctor when the patient has some trouble breathing because of low oxygen levels. There are various health conditions that can cause trouble breathing and the patient will need oxygen concentrators like lung cancer, asthma, flu, or the recently discovered COVID-19.

It is important to consult a doctor before an oxygen concentrator is used by any patient. Using an oxygen concentrator without proper prescription and recommendation can be hazardous for one’s health. When an oxygen concentrator is prescribed by a doctor then they also give other important information like the amount of oxygen to be taken and duration to use the device.

Now that you know what an oxygen concentrator is, let’s now read about how it works.

How does an oxygen concentrator work?

An oxygen concentrator cannot be assumed the same as an oxygen tank that ‘stores oxygen in liquid or gaseous form to deliver it later. An oxygen concentrator is a device that collects the air present in your surroundings and removes the nitrogen from it.

The device is connected to the prongs below your nostrils through a thin tube to supply oxygen to your body. Instead of a tube, a face mask can also be used for better flow or a higher concentration of oxygen.

Oxygen concentrators are found in two different models. The bigger one can be used at home whereas the portable one can be used for outdoor purposes. Let’s read more about them:

At-home unit

The bigger model or the at-home unit is prescribed by the doctor when the user has a constant requirement of extra oxygen while sleeping or at the house. Oxygen concentrators are based on electricity so they need to stay plugged in to offer oxygen to the user.

It is important to use the device as instructed by the doctor and maintain it properly. There will be a particular oxygen flow rate prescribed by the doctor that must be followed. This oxygen flow rate is the litres of oxygen delivered by the device per minute and it should not be changed unless prescribed by the doctor.

Portable unit

This is the smaller version of the bigger unit and both have the same role to play. The basic difference lies in the portability of this version. You can easily use the portable unit outdoors and travel with it. It does not need to stay plugged in as it has a rechargeable battery in it.

You can easily carry the unit with the help of a handle in your hands or you can carry it on your shoulder with the help of a sling. Portable units can have different settings to deliver oxygen based on the prescription of the doctor.

Contact a reliable medical supplies agency for your oxygen concentrator and live better!