How to Keep the CPAP Equipment Clean For Proper Functioning

Posted by B&F Medical Supplies on Aug 19th 2021

Continuous positive airway pressure or CPAP equipment is a very common durable medical equipment. It’s prescribed for treating sleep apnea disorders.

Sleep apnea disorders cause interruptions or pause breathing because the throat or airway briefly collapse or something temporarily blocks them. With the help of the CPAP equipment, it’s easy to sleep peacefully because the equipment sends a steady flow of oxygen and helps in breathing normally. Sleep Apnea is potentially a serious disorder and can become life-threatening if not taken care of.

CPAP machine is a savior for people suffering from sleep apnea. But, the equipment will function properly only if it is kept clean. You should take care of the machine regularly and take some precautions when using it to avoid any consequences.

The ways to keep your CPAP equipment clean are:

You should avoid using harsh chemicals and solutions

When used regularly, CPAP equipment attracts lots of impurities and pollutants. To remove these impurities, you should use soft chemicals and avoid using harsh chemicals such as bleach, chlorine, ammonia. Even for sanitizing CPAP equipment, you shouldn’t use harsh chemicals and solutions. These chemicals can irritate your lungs and make you sick. The easiest and most convenient way to clean the equipment is CPAP wipes.

You should invest in a CPAP cleaner

Using CPAP wipes means cleaning with hands. If you don’t have time to clean each piece by hand, you should invest in a CPAP cleaner and sanitizer. With a CPAP cleaner and sanitizer, you don’t have to take time out to clean the equipment. The CPAP cleaner works automatically and cleans all the parts without taking them apart every day. You will find some machines that avoid water or messy chemicals to prevent irritation while using.

You should provide adequate time for drying

After cleaning, the CPAP machine should be dried properly. You should provide adequate time for drying and shouldn’t use it immediately. If the machine isn’t dried properly and is damp, it will develop mold. You should place the equipment on the flat surface on top of a towel and leave it for air dry for about an hour. You should hang the tubing with the ends pointing to ensure all the water drips out.

You should keep the machine out of direct sunlight

In addition, the sun along with the air is good for drying things, but not for a CPAP machine. When drying the machine, you should make sure there is enough air but away from direct sunlight. It’s because direct sunlight damages the equipment and reduces its lifespan.

You should replace CPAP parts regularly

Just like other machines, the parts of the CPAP machine need regular replacement. Even if the parts look great and are working better, you should replace them after a stipulated time. You replace filters after every two weeks, mask cushion & nasal pillows after every 3 months, mask frame & CPAP tubing after every 3 months, and headgear, chinstrap, and water chamber after every 6 months. Regular replacement will ensure proper functioning. You will get the parts from durable medical equipment suppliers.

The proper functioning of a CPAP machine is very important. It’s because people with sleep apnea disorder cannot sleep without the machine even a single night.